Los Angeles heavy rain pouring; Marbo school closed; Grapewine I-5 state highway closed

For the first severe storm in Los Angeles County for more than eight months, the first severe storm has forced Grapewne’s No. 5 highway to close, mud appeared on the road, and caused the Marob public school to close due to the danger of road conditions on Monday.
People are still worried that mudslides and rock landslides may occur in the Los Angeles county that have been burned recently. Before 4 am, a severe thunderstorm detected near Catalina was a thunderstorm that could produce water tornadies and hail.
The National Meteorological Administration of Meteorological has issued a flood alert to several recently burned areas, warning that 10% to 20% of the possibility will occur severe rhodontics and mudslides, which may damage the areas damaged by wildfires and the surrounding areas. Road and house.
The following is what you need to know:
Grapevine No. 5 of Grapevine closed
No. 5 State Highway is closed on Grapevine, which is a key section that connects the Tejon Pass that connects Los Angeles County and the Central Valley.
The California Transportation Bureau said that late on Sunday, Grapevine was ordered to close, and the staff was “trying to clear the snow.” The California Transportation Bureau suggested using US 101 as an alternative line between Los Angeles County and central California on Monday morning.
The California road patrol team said: “The blockade will last for a while, and the specific time is unknown.”
Marbard Public School closed Monday on Monday
San Monica-Marbed United School District announced that due to dangerous road conditions and difficulties in school, all four schools in Marbu closed on Monday. St. Monica’s public schools are still open.
Pacific Coast Highway affected by floods
The National Meteorological Administration Meteorologicalist Joe Sirrad said on Sunday that part of the Pacific Coast Highway was closed due to floods in the Topana Canyon. He said that the rainfall measured the rainfall at the Topana Gorge Avenue on the edge of the fire border, the rainometer meter was 0.74 inches.
The California Transportation Bureau said on Sunday afternoon that the mudslides forced the Pacific Canyon Avenue to close the Pacific Canyon Avenue.
The QuickMap website of the California Transportation Bureau said earlier on Monday that the Pacific Coast Highway of the Topanga Canyon Boulevard was still closed, and the south PCH of Sweetwater Canyon Road, Sweetwater Can also closed. Has closed.
Topanga Canyon Boulevard (also known as California 27) has been closed. The rainfall caused a flood of the Topana River, and the road was covered with fragments. The California Transportation Bureau said that the staff who were repairing the losses caused by the fire of the Palishaz must evacuate.
Vehicle falls into the mud
On Sunday evening, four cars were trapped in the mud on the Mulholland Drive near the Alhama Drive 4100 block of Woodland Mountain.
The Los Angeles Fire Bureau said no one needs to be rescued, but officials did summon a trailer to transport the trapped vehicles.
The mud and ashes of the burning area and the ashes
Officials from the Pacific Palisz City Hall said that the Los Angeles Fire Department is trying to clear the soil accumulated on Sunday night, and the black water full of ashes has reached the beach.
The albinization conditions of the highland desert
The California Transportation Bureau said that due to heavy snow, Highway 138 in California -Gaomo located in Los Angeles County -is experiencing snow. The California Transportation Bureau said to avoid Highway 138, California between the St. Bennidino County Line and the junction of California 18.
Snow in Kahongshankou
The California Patrol Team said that the Kahongshankou was snowing, and the Kahong Mountain Exit was the mountain mouth connecting the San Benadino area and the Mohvy Desert.
CHP said that the Ping of the California Transportation Bureau is on Ping No. 15 State Highway No. 15.
The Health Protection Center said: “If you are traveling, please slow down, increase distance, and be expected to be delayed.”
Worried about the recent burning area
Flood alerts in the burning area
Flood warnings in the area of Eaton in the Altada and Passadina areas will continue until 4 pm on Monday; Pacific Palisid and Palisid and Franklin in the Maliba are the fire; Hugas fire; bridge fire in the western and southwest of Wetwood and the southwest.
By Monday afternoon, 15% to 25% of the possibilities in southern California have thunderous thunderstorms, which may bring heavy rainfall and the risk of mudslides and mudslides.
(National Meteorological Bureau)
When the water flows down the mountain quickly, in addition to the soil, there will also be rolling rocks and branches, sometimes even boulder, which may occur in mudslides. These things may damage cars and houses. This may be life -threatening.
How much rain and snow
So far, the rainfall of the central Los Angeles City center is 0.47 inches due to the storm, of which the rainfall is 0.11 inches on Saturday.
Saturday’s rainfall broke the record of the record in central Los Angeles. The previous single calendar rainfall in the city center reached one tenth or more in the May 5th, when the rainfall was 0.13 inches.
This means that from May 6th to Friday, the city center of Los Angeles has not appeared at least one -inch in an inch of rainfall for 264 consecutive days. The last time in the city center is 253 days in a row, from February 25, 2008 to November 3, 2008.
The following is the rainfall of this heavy rain as of 10 pm on Sunday:
Phil Moore: 1.36 inches
Perbarian University: 1.15 inches
Thousand Oak Tree: 1.13 inches
Karabasus: 1.06 inches
Wentura: 1.02 inches
St. Monica Wharf: 0.98 inches
Beiling: 0.97 times
Belle: 0.93 inches
Kanaga Park: 0.9 inches
Bi Feri Villa: 0.83 inches
Clemont: 0.56 inches
Canadian Lingshiling: 0.53 inches
Los Angeles City Center: 0.47 inches
Whistor: 0.45 inches
Alhambra: 0.4 inches
Calver City: 0.2 inches
The meteorological department stated that it is expected that heavy snow will occur in the eastern St. Gaobo Mountains, and the total snow volume will reach 14 inches. By Monday, the amount of snow may fall to 3,000 feet above sea level.
The meteorological department said on Monday morning that “may be very difficult or even impossible” along the Ballidi, Wrightwood, Wilson Mountains and its surrounding areas, as well as the surrounding areas and its surrounding areas and its surrounding areas.
Seasonal rainfall in Los Angeles
Since October 1, the rainfall in central Los Angeles has reached 0.63 inches. This is about 9%of the average.
Before raining this weekend, the abnormal drought of the year was listed in the record of the central Los Angeles city center.
The abnormal and dry conditions keep the vegetation flammable. During the St. Anna strong wind incident, this is a explosive combination. If a fire occurs, the embers will spread quickly.
The weather outlook after this storm
It is expected that later in the afternoon, there will be a small shower in Los Angeles and Weitala County. The meteorological department said that later in the afternoon, some of the clouds may have some cloudy weather, and it is expected that the storm will basically disappear on the evening of Monday.
On Tuesday, there may be showers in the afternoon of the St. Gaobo.
The forecasm is expected to be dry later this week. The meteorological department stated that there may be cloudy and slight rainfall opportunities next weekend, but it is mainly San Louis Obispo County and Santa Barbara County.