After the fire, Trump urged Great California Water Policy
When visiting the Los Angeles area on Friday, President Trump tried to persuade California officials that the state’s water management system needs to be huge overhaul.
Trump announced that he would approve an administrative order “open the north pump and valve.”
He told him that the party was a great benefit to you for you. The state officials of the Los Angeles Fire Department were No. 69 at Pacific Palisades, Pacific.
“We must have that kind of water. You are talking about infinite water,” Trump said. “You will never be exhausted, you will never miss the shortage, and you will not have such a thing. When you do this, you will have a lot of water to eliminate it.”
Experts say that Trump’s statement is trying to associate fire reactions with local water supply How to manage water In Northern California, inaccurate. Water managers and researchers said that cities in Southern California are currently inadequate. Record high level With a large amount of supply in 2023 and 2024.
Earlier this week, Trump Order In order to make “people cross the fish”, they order the federal agency to restarted work, and “will” more water from the Sacraimado-Shanhua Jinhe Delta to other parts of the state. “People who supply water.”
Trump also said he wanted to recover the federal assistance with Wildfire whether it was undergoing water policy changes with California.
After arriving at the Los Angeles International Airport on Friday, President Trump watched Governor Gavin Newsom.
(Mark Schiefelbein /Associated Press)
Governor Gavin Newsom, he briefly met with Trump at Los Angeles International Airport, he briefly met with Trump. Already said The changes in northern California’s water management will not affect the fire response. Governor’s Office Speaking in social media This week, California “now can pump as much as possible in the Trump era as much as possible”, and “Southern California has no shortage of water.”
Even with sufficient supply in the reservoir, the local water supply system was pushed to the limit with the wind drive.
Dangdang Water Supply System in Los Angeles County Lose pressure In some areas of Pacific Palesta, some fire hydrants Dry in high altitude areasObstacles of fire fighting efforts. Nextsom last week Order to conduct investigations The water pressure loss of the fire hydrants and the water deficiency available for the Pacific Palizdis Reservoir Committee repairEssence
Environmental Promoting Organizing Los Angeles Waterman Executive Director Bruce Reznik said: “At that time, Southern California had a lot of water.” ” Based on the understanding of the national water supply system.
When Trump visited North Carollaine earlier on Friday, he intends to find out “Why don’t they release water.”
Trump also tried to change Galifer’s water regulations and policies during his first term. But when his government Use water rules This weakened the environmental protection of the Delta, and the national and protection organizations successfully challenged the court’s changes.
This has formulated the current plan and supporting biological opinions for the Bayeon government and the Newsom government, which is to determine how much water can be pumped and how to manage the river in Delta.
This rule manages the operation of the central valley project and the dams of the Central Valley Project, the operation of the dam and the pumping factory. These are the two largest water systems in the world. These water systems provide millions of acres of farmland and about 30 million people. supply.
Pumping farms and cities have contributed the ecological degradation of the Delta. The fish that are listed as threatening or endangered include Steelhead catfish, two types of Chinak salmon, Longfin smelting, Delta smelting and green Sturgeon.
Trump said he intends to seek the protection of the smelting of the Delta. This is a finger length that suffers a significant decline and is considered Close to extinction In the wild.
Trump said: “They talk about the smelting of the Delta.” “It does not have to be protected. The people of the California must be protected.”
The United States Representative R-Bakersfield thanked Trump for his position, saying that “ensuring reliable and stable water supply is essential.”
Fang said that Trump’s administrative order “will have a significant impact.”
Trump said these changes will benefit California’s agriculture, saying that the central valley farmland is deprived of “sending water into the Pacific Ocean.”
Trump is seeking to change Galifer’s water policy when he is seeking to pursue large water infrastructure projects, including a plan that costs $ 20 billion Establish a water tunnel Under the Delta, and plan Construct In Northern California, the state’s first new main reservoir in the past decades.
Trump did not discuss these projects during the visit.
Karla Nemeth, director of the California Ministry of Water Resources, said that Trump’s plan may end up Damage to the water supply of farms and communities And threatening fish population.
Environmental supporters say Trump’s orders may prove that salmon and other fish, as well as the ecosystems of the bougainry, have continued to deteriorate.
Reznik said the federal government can help the Los Angeles region by providing more investment to improve the elasticity of the local water system, rather than Trump’s method.
Reznik said: “In the recovery of wastewater, rainwater capture, the money spent on groundwater cleaning and protection will have more money to prepare for the future.” “Provide more water to the Central Valley Agriculture.”
Reznik and other critics said that the changes in Trump (Trump) will threaten the worsening ecosystem of endangered fish and the Sacraman-South China Jinhe Delta.
The central valley project managed by the federal government will mainly benefit from the agriculture of the St. Golden Valley from the Delta. Trump enjoys some of his strongest support in the state in the state.
“Every American should know what the president is doing here.” “During the period of extreme crisis and tragedy, he was using this emergency to take the pocket of his rich benefactor to the St. Huajin Valley Valley Industrial agricultural manufacturers at the expense of other people at the expense. “