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Bold and the Beautiful Preview: Hope smells bitter, Lee searches for DNA, Bill’s creepy tactics

bold and beautiful discount Bill Spencer, Lee Finneganand Hope Logan The CBS soap is fighting a losing battle this week.

During the week of January 20-24, the regular show will have only 4 episodes instead of the regular 5 episodes. Monday’s Homestay time slot to broadcast the Presidential Inauguration Ceremony. But the show returns on Tuesday with even more twists and turns, starting with Bill and his secret.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 – Bill Spencer panics

bold and beautiful Bill Spencer (Don Diamonte) has been a homebody lately, and that doesn’t go unnoticed. Last week, Will Spencer (Crumolo) asked his father about his strange behavior.

So, as time passes, Bill’s attempts to keep his tenant Luna Nozawa (Lisa Yamada) a secret seem to be nearly impossible. As more and more people come to visit, Bill Spencer begins to worry about what awaits him if someone discovers his secret.

The Bold and the Beautiful: Bill Spencer (Don Diamont)
Bed and Breakfast | CBS

But this week, there is news about Spencer’s descendants. Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) returns bold and beautiful Tuesday. His visit to Bill’s home unnerved the publishing magnate. Just like his youngest son, Will, it didn’t take long for Liam to notice something strange about his father, and he became concerned.

Bill Spencer’s attitude toward Luna has changed, and there are hints that he’s enacting a rather creepy plan. What does he know about Luna that others don’t?

On Tuesday, Lee Finnegan (Naomi Matsuda) continued to press charges against Jack Finnigan (Ted King) and Bobby Nozawa (Romy Parker). Jack looked shocked by his ex-wife’s accusations. bold and beautiful Spoilers indicate that Poppy is sticking to her story that she doesn’t know the identity of Luna’s father.

B&B Spoilers: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 – Lee Finnegan changes Finn’s reality?

Finn (Tanner Novlan) sees his parents differently when Jake returns Wednesday this week. bold and beautiful Spoilers indicate Finn may hear his mother’s accusations against his father.

The Bold and the Beautiful: Lee Finnegan (Naomi Matsuda) | CBSThe Bold and the Beautiful: Lee Finnegan (Naomi Matsuda) | CBS
Bed and Breakfast | CBS

Wednesday will likely be the day that Lee Finnegan takes a paternity test on Jack. What she finds may not be what she expects.

However, The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers indicate that whatever Finn discovers about Jake and Lee, Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) is right there by his side. She made sure he knew he wasn’t alone in the latest revelations about his parents.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Thursday, January 23, 2025 – Hope Logan Buries Himself

Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) bends over and lets Daphne Rose (Muriel Hilaire) come on board with her perfume. But little did Hope know that her efforts were in vain.

Despite Hope’s efforts to make Daphne a part of Forrester’s future, Steffy has taken Daphne under her wing. Her promise of a new Forrest perfume has Hope and Carter Walton (Laurence St. Victor) pulling out all the stops to seal a deal. But Hope didn’t know what else would come of the deal. Thanks to Steffy, Daphne openly performed for Carter.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) – Hope Logan (Annika Noelle)The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Steffy Forrester (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) – Hope Logan (Annika Noelle)
Bed and Breakfast | CBS

So, Daphne is already working for Steffy. Part of her job was to lure Carter away from Hope Logan. bold and beautiful Spoilers indicate that Steffy is patting herself on the back as she sees that her strategy to take back Forrester Creations is going according to plan.

B&B Spoilers: Friday, January 24, 2025 – Hope, Bill and Lee cliffhanger

bold and beautifulThe cliffhanger of “Friday” is that Lee Finnegan, Bill Spencer and Hope Logan battle the forces that oppose them. Hopefully Logan learns that Carter managed to get Daphne on board.

As a result, FC’s games became more and more intense in the hall. until friday bold and beautiful In the episode, Bill Spencer excessively interrogates Luna Nozawa about her past. There are indications that this is all he has prepared for the future of his tenants.

Hopefully Logan is about to see Carter’s loyalty tested by the newest perfume designer from France. But the cliffhanger highlight of Friday’s episode seemed to be Lee Finnegan reading Jack Finnegan’s paternity test results.

so, bold and beautiful Another week of personal struggles, secrets, desires and strategies on the CBS soap opera.

Return to Soap Dirt for the latest information bold and beautiful Spoilers.


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