Finance News

CDZ:CA: A prudent choice for dividend growth investors (TSX:CDZ:CA)

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I am a value-oriented investor. Stocks rise and fall for many reasons that we often cannot predict. Ultimately, those companies with wide moats and the ability to generate cash flow will prevail. Therefore, my investing focus is to find value stocks that generate cash flow, have sustainable dividends and provide growth over time. I specialize in analyzing large-cap dividend growth stocks, REITs, and ETFs. My goal is to provide quarterly updates and insights on the stocks I care about. Please feel free to browse through the articles I have written and leave any comments you may have.

Analysts revealed: I/we hold an advantageous long position in XDIV:CA stock through equity, options or other derivatives. This article was written by myself and expresses my own opinions. I received no compensation (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationships with any of the companies whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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