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90 Days Fiancé: The Three Are Not the Crowd of Matt and Armani – Review [S11E01]

This is a new season 90-day fiancé and Matt and Amani Jlassi Find a way to get a third-party K-1 visa, Any aguirre From Mexico. Jessica Parsons Her boy proudly spent the world in his life in Torrington, Wyoming. But it will Juan David Daza Suitable? Stevi Teach English online, which led to her fiancé Mahdi People living in Iran. and Mark Bessett Not afraid of flying, but worried that his family would not believe his decision in love. Let’s break it all down in this review of Season 11, Episode 1 I love you…you.

90 Days Fiancé: Part of Matt and Amani Jlassi

In the intersection, you never know you need it, 90-day fiancé Meet Seeking a sister and wife With Throuple Matt, Amani Jlassi and any Aguirre. Amani thinks he is the boss’s baby. No, she isn’t going to recruit you into her pyramid scheme, she actually has a real job in technology. Growing up in Tunisia, she came to the United States for opportunities. She met Matt in college and now spends her dreams in a cool house in San Diego, California.

The nice looking couple has 2 daughters and are happily frolicking in the pumpkin patch to make some wholesome family entertainment. But they have a edgy secret behind the scenes. They met any Aguirre on vacation, a single mother in Mexico. This is love for everyone at first sight. After a passionate night, people felt the feelings. Amani Jlassi and Matt play the role of naughty nurses and doctors while anyone is amplified as an overheating patient. This relationship is real, and so is this relationship.

this 90-day fiancé The couple is about to travel to Mexico to meet any child’s children and plan to bring her to the United States, where they can become a large happy polymorphic family. However, since they are already married to each other, no one can get a K-1 visa. So they decided to divorce so that Matt could apply for a visa. Friend warned that this was a slippery plan. And end your marriage through a vacation link. But Amani Jlassi pressed. Matt is not against the boss.

90 Day Fiancé: Amani Jlassi
90 Day Fiancé: Amani Jlassi

90 Days Fiancé: Juan David Daza Transfers from Heaven to Poop

exist 90 days fiancé, Jessica Parsons lives in Torrington, Wyoming. The most comfortable shit and cruel winter home on land. She is the mother of two sons who were married earlier. And share a baby son with Juan David Daza. Jessica and Juan meet on a parade after marriage. They were immediately fascinated, but claimed they weren’t fooled on the ocean. Instead, they formed a relationship during a co-lockdown on the phone.

Finally, Jessica Parsons was able to travel to Colombia to be with Juan David Daza. After five trips, he suggested that she was pregnant. Now Juan is only a few days away from joining Jessica, his baby boy and her other sons in Torrington. Jessica is worried that it will be a huge change from the drinks on the cruise to the cold weather and the noisy boys. In addition, another woman has contacted Jessica and claims she has been hanging on the boat after she has formed a relationship with her. It may be a big wave ahead.

TLC couple Stevi and Mahdi deal with different worlds

exist 90 days fiancé, Stevi is an artist who is passionate about painting nudes. But because that doesn’t pay her bill to teach English online. Stevi was fascinated by a student from Mahdi from Iran. Although his internet connection is unreliable, it has not blocked connections between students and teachers. Mahdi is a ready student. When the language course ended, Stevi and Mahdi continued to speak.

Trouble and travel safety issues prevent Stevi from traveling to Iran to meet Mahdi. So they met in Türkiye. They connect with the body and present Mahdi. So now he arrives in the United States with a K-1 visa. Stevi was excited and didn’t care about cultural differences or the obvious conflict between the United States and Iran. She summoned courage and finally told her father what had happened. He was very worried but agreed to meet Mahdi and give them a chance.

90 Days Fiancé: Mark Bessette

Solve new 90-day fiancé The couple in this episode are Mark Bessette and Amanita “Mina” Mack. Mark is fifty-eight years old and is a professional pilot. He literally lives on a runway in the New Hampshire aviation community. He flew from celebrities to politicians around private planes. During the commotion to Paris, France, he stopped to relax at the bar and had a cocktail. He met Mina, 35, and they immediately connected.

Mark Bessette proposes that Mina Mack is pregnant six months later. They share a little daughter named Maria. Mark visited his adult daughter in Florida to prepare for Mina and Maria to arrive in the United States. She shared her concerns with her father when they went to Paris for the baptism of Maria. Mark was frustrated with his daughter’s feeling. And reveals that he and Mina talk about another baby. His daughter was shocked by this and suggested he considered a prenuptial agreement.

Back to this season 90-day fiancé It’s Shekinah Garner and Sarper Guven. Sapper is still in Türkiye, preparing for his K-1 visa interview. Shekinah was nervously shopping while she was at the embassy in Sarper. When he came out, he looked harsh. She was worried that he might quit the United States. We left a cliff for whether he was approved. More couples will join the competition next week. Until next time!

Capture all the latest updates for the new season 90-day fiancé Just here soap dirt.

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