Finance News

2 The underestimated dividend stocks are prepared to come back

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Leo Nelissen is an analyst that focuses on major economic development related to the supply chain, infrastructure and commodities. He is the author of Ireit®+Hoya Capital.

As a member of the Ireit®+Hoya Capital team, Leo aims to provide visible analysis and feasible investment ideas, and especially emphasize the opportunity for dividend growth. learn more.

Analyst’s disclosure: I/We have beneficial long -term positions in NSC, UNP, CP, and ABBV. You can use stock ownership, options or other derivatives through stock ownership, options or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself and expressed my opinions. I did not get compensation (except for seeing Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company mentioned in this article.

Seeking alpha disclosure: Past performance cannot guarantee future results. There is no suggestion or suggestion for any investment suitable for specific investors. Any view or view expressed above may not reflect the entire Alpha’s view. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, a broker or an investment consultant or an investment bank. Our analysts are third -party authors, including professional investors and individual investors. They may not obtain permission or certification from any research institute or regulatory agency.

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